The Importance of Stocking Up on Water When There’s a Hurricane Threat

As hurricane season is here, preparation becomes the key to keeping yourself and your family safe. Among all the essential items you might stock up on—like non-perishable food, batteries, and first-aid supplies—WATER often takes top priority. Why? Because in the aftermath of a hurricane, clean, accessible water can become a luxury. Let’s explore why it’s so critical to stock up on water when a hurricane is on the horizon.

  1. Water Systems Can Be Compromised
    During a hurricane, strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding can severely damage water treatment facilities, pipes, and infrastructure. This often leads to water contamination, making it unsafe for drinking, cooking, or even bathing. Sewage systems can back up, and water sources like rivers and reservoirs may overflow, mixing clean water with harmful bacteria, chemicals, and debris.

    By having a supply of Exell water on hand, you can ensure your family’s needs are met until the local water system is restored.
  2. Access to Clean Water May Be Limited
    After a hurricane, you may not have access to clean water for several days or even weeks. Flooded roads, damaged stores, and disrupted supply chains can make it difficult to restock on essentials. In some cases, entire communities may be isolated due to road blockages or evacuations.

    Having at least a three-day supply of bottled water per person in your household is recommended, with at least one gallon of water per person, per day. This ensures you have enough for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and basic hygiene. And don’t forget about clean water for your pets.
  3. Hygiene and Sanitation
    Clean water is not only essential for drinking, but also for hygiene and sanitation purposes. In the aftermath of a hurricane, the lack of running water can make it challenging to maintain basic hygiene, increasing the risk of illness. You’ll need water for washing hands, brushing teeth, and cleaning surfaces to prevent the spread of germs.

    Additionally, if your plumbing system becomes compromised, you may need water to flush toilets or wash essential items. Our Exell 3 and 5 gallon water jugs can come in handy during these times.
  4. Hydration in High-Stress Situations
    Hurricanes are physically and emotionally draining events. Whether you’re hunkering down at home or evacuating to a safer location, staying hydrated is crucial for keeping up your energy levels and staying healthy. In stressful situations, it’s easy to forget to drink water, which can lead to dehydration, especially if your body is already taxed from the heat, stress, or physical activity involved in storm preparation and recovery.
  5. Preparation Is Key to Peace of Mind
    When a hurricane is approaching, places can quickly run out of essential items, especially bottled water. Stocking up in advance reduces the risk of being caught off guard. Preparing ahead gives you the peace of mind that you and your family will have enough water, even in worst-case scenarios.
  6. Water Purification Options
    If you can’t stockpile enough bottled water or are concerned about a longer emergency, consider investing in water purification systems. Water purification systems can help make contaminated water safe to drink. Contact Exell for more information at 601.981.1231 or email us at

How to Store Water Safely

When stocking up on water, here are some tips to ensure it remains safe and usable:

  • Store in a cool, dark place: Keep your Exell water supply in a place that won’t be exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause the plastic to degrade or encourage the growth of bacteria.
  • Label and date containers: If you’re storing your own water, date the containers to ensure you rotate your stock and use the oldest water first.


When facing the uncertainty of a hurricane, water is the single most important resource you can stockpile. From ensuring safe drinking water to maintaining hygiene and preventing illness, having an adequate supply of clean water can make all the difference in keeping your family healthy and comfortable during and after the storm. By planning, you can focus on weathering the storm, knowing that one of your most vital needs is secured. Your Exell customer service representative can assist with the right number of Exell products for you. Contact them today at 601.981.1231 email us at

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